I was an Angel, living in the Garden of Evil
В общем-то известный автор sgtmac7 - да, это она написала Safe и Penance, - достаточно популярна на Тумблере, и много фэнов Однажды шлют ей свои вопросы, дабы обсудить их и выслушать разное мнение. Достаточно интересно порой на это посмотреть, мнения действительно разные, занятные, адекватные. Вот пара постов, попавшихся мне сегодня на глаза:
Про КС просто ппкс, сценаристы знатно поспешили и, с точки зрения здравого смысла, всех насмешили.
PRAISE YOU for your latest CS related reply and how it's so wrong for Emma. I have been in the situation of emotional trauma due to a relationship and one of my first instincts was to run to someone else because you want to block out pain or the past or self-doubts, self-loathing, etc. It's not healthy; it's damaging. I'm neither pro nor anti CS, but your reply is so true! ((Besides Hook has basically aggressively ignored Emma's initial and continual lack of interest and rejection))
That’s just it - he continuously pursued her, has never backed off for even a moment to allow her breathing space. And when she was grieving the loss of someone she was going to marry (and the anger of the attached betrayal and realization that she’d been made a fool of), he was busy telling her that he was glad she’d had her heart broken because it made it so he could still win it. Which she walked away from - good for her - but which most women would remember and understand that this is a man who might think he’s living for you, but in the end, everything is about himself and his needs and he will cater to yours simply on the hope of eventually winning.
Eddy has constantly joked around about how confident Hook is - which says that there’s never been a point when he’s been around Emma that he didn’t honestly believe that he would wear her down. Then you have this woman who has been dealt so goddamn many blows in a rapid line (which the show barely lets her express and instead wraps up with a group hug) and no shit she’s going to go to the dude who is screaming that she comes first for him before everyone else (which he proved when he abandoned her family). That doesn’t make it one bit healthy because it’s still all about him.
Unfortunately, this show is catering to a demo and doesn’t have half the guts Joss had (kind of - I’m loath to give him too much respect because the story was crappily told) when he was trying to get people to understand that Buffy and Spike wasn’t this grand romantic tale (at least in season 6 - I have no clue what the fuck they were doing in season 7). So what we get is Emma’s psychology being subverted and fans being allowed to romanticize extraordinarily obsessive, stalkerish and downright creepy behavior.
Sorry, this shit gets me going a bit. Because is there anyone who would actually let their daughter date Hook? I mean honestly?
filthycurtains said: I think the fact that Emma jumped into a relationship after two men she loved(platonically or otherwise) died, is implausible. None of it makes sense for the character. I’m still confused by the entire finale to be honest. I just don’t understand.
Exactly. Here’s the thing: she DID love Walsh. Regardless of what he was or what he did or his betrayal, Emma Swan WAS in love with him. Two weeks before she’s with Hook. A WEEK before she’s with Hook, her first love dies in her arms. In any realistic psychological review, her reasons for saying yes to Hook would come down not to her feelings or even desires but simply to the fact that he is so goddamned into her that she doesn’t care what she feels. It’s emotional rebound and using him as a crutch to feel, and it’s so entirely unhealthy because it’s not dealing with anything and just using his feelings to keep her afloat regardless of her own. And that always ALWAYS ends well.
О ДженМо, ее игре и желании играть здесь тоже согласна с тем, что большую часть сезонов ее лицо либо ничего не выражает, либо выражает что-то трудно угадываемое.
It seems like JMo can only play CS scenes now-not because she is a shipper as people say-but I think maybe her spark's gone in this project? She seems very get in -do my job- leave. She seems passionless, but it is terrifyingly clear in scenes with Lana. It's apparent more so BC I watched S1finale, and the closet scene with Regina at the hospital-so much passion & energy, so much intensity. She should bow out before she loses credibility and reputation IMO BC she's starting to pull others down.
Nah. She was flat for almost all of 3B (and 2B) as well. I’d gotten used to her kind of … ebbing at the end of seasons but had hoped she’d renew over the hiatus. 3B was actually painful at times because you quite literally had no idea what she was trying to play emotionally about 95% of the time.
She’s a better actress than this - I’ve always really liked her big drama moments, but sometimes she just completely phones in the scenes. Not usually off of Lana, though, so hopefully this is just an aberration. Fandom isn’t to blame for this, though - she’s getting paid an ass-load of money and works primarily on a closed set. And has a lot of adoration coming at her from sycophant Hook fans. Honestly, this is Jen. Just..Jen. And she’s better than it.
Про КС просто ппкс, сценаристы знатно поспешили и, с точки зрения здравого смысла, всех насмешили.
PRAISE YOU for your latest CS related reply and how it's so wrong for Emma. I have been in the situation of emotional trauma due to a relationship and one of my first instincts was to run to someone else because you want to block out pain or the past or self-doubts, self-loathing, etc. It's not healthy; it's damaging. I'm neither pro nor anti CS, but your reply is so true! ((Besides Hook has basically aggressively ignored Emma's initial and continual lack of interest and rejection))
That’s just it - he continuously pursued her, has never backed off for even a moment to allow her breathing space. And when she was grieving the loss of someone she was going to marry (and the anger of the attached betrayal and realization that she’d been made a fool of), he was busy telling her that he was glad she’d had her heart broken because it made it so he could still win it. Which she walked away from - good for her - but which most women would remember and understand that this is a man who might think he’s living for you, but in the end, everything is about himself and his needs and he will cater to yours simply on the hope of eventually winning.
Eddy has constantly joked around about how confident Hook is - which says that there’s never been a point when he’s been around Emma that he didn’t honestly believe that he would wear her down. Then you have this woman who has been dealt so goddamn many blows in a rapid line (which the show barely lets her express and instead wraps up with a group hug) and no shit she’s going to go to the dude who is screaming that she comes first for him before everyone else (which he proved when he abandoned her family). That doesn’t make it one bit healthy because it’s still all about him.
Unfortunately, this show is catering to a demo and doesn’t have half the guts Joss had (kind of - I’m loath to give him too much respect because the story was crappily told) when he was trying to get people to understand that Buffy and Spike wasn’t this grand romantic tale (at least in season 6 - I have no clue what the fuck they were doing in season 7). So what we get is Emma’s psychology being subverted and fans being allowed to romanticize extraordinarily obsessive, stalkerish and downright creepy behavior.
Sorry, this shit gets me going a bit. Because is there anyone who would actually let their daughter date Hook? I mean honestly?
filthycurtains said: I think the fact that Emma jumped into a relationship after two men she loved(platonically or otherwise) died, is implausible. None of it makes sense for the character. I’m still confused by the entire finale to be honest. I just don’t understand.
Exactly. Here’s the thing: she DID love Walsh. Regardless of what he was or what he did or his betrayal, Emma Swan WAS in love with him. Two weeks before she’s with Hook. A WEEK before she’s with Hook, her first love dies in her arms. In any realistic psychological review, her reasons for saying yes to Hook would come down not to her feelings or even desires but simply to the fact that he is so goddamned into her that she doesn’t care what she feels. It’s emotional rebound and using him as a crutch to feel, and it’s so entirely unhealthy because it’s not dealing with anything and just using his feelings to keep her afloat regardless of her own. And that always ALWAYS ends well.
О ДженМо, ее игре и желании играть здесь тоже согласна с тем, что большую часть сезонов ее лицо либо ничего не выражает, либо выражает что-то трудно угадываемое.
It seems like JMo can only play CS scenes now-not because she is a shipper as people say-but I think maybe her spark's gone in this project? She seems very get in -do my job- leave. She seems passionless, but it is terrifyingly clear in scenes with Lana. It's apparent more so BC I watched S1finale, and the closet scene with Regina at the hospital-so much passion & energy, so much intensity. She should bow out before she loses credibility and reputation IMO BC she's starting to pull others down.
Nah. She was flat for almost all of 3B (and 2B) as well. I’d gotten used to her kind of … ebbing at the end of seasons but had hoped she’d renew over the hiatus. 3B was actually painful at times because you quite literally had no idea what she was trying to play emotionally about 95% of the time.
She’s a better actress than this - I’ve always really liked her big drama moments, but sometimes she just completely phones in the scenes. Not usually off of Lana, though, so hopefully this is just an aberration. Fandom isn’t to blame for this, though - she’s getting paid an ass-load of money and works primarily on a closed set. And has a lot of adoration coming at her from sycophant Hook fans. Honestly, this is Jen. Just..Jen. And she’s better than it.
Мне даже добавить больше нечего, я с автором согласна. Джен бы поискать другой проект(
Shaneer Czess, если кратко, то люди недоумевают с подачи КС. Эмма узнала, что человек, за которого она собиралась замуж - обманщик, а ведь она его любила; отец ее ребенка неделю спустя умирает у нее на руках, а Крюк не дает ей ни вздохнуть, ни выдохнуть. Но все его действия и слова прежде всего о нем самом. Он эгоист, и в этом нет ничего прекрасного, что стоило бы воспевать.
опять таки, тут как взглянуть
вроде слова имеют смысл, но с другой он много совсем не эгоистичных вещей сделал
и как бы человек не отнекивался, там явно пусть не хэйтер, но уж точно не любитель КС
а Эмма, ну просто сюжет итак тянется, а если она еще бы пару сезонов страдала, то просто было бы скучно
хотя события реально были слишком большими и их было много в кучу, относительно Эммы
но просто они зато до этого знатно тянули, вот и вышел КС долгожданный, но в реалиях серии чуть быстрый что ли
Ты про какие яйца? У нее даже груди нет( Потеряла в Неверленде.
эмма тоже эгоистка та еще, во многом, даже не про крюка сейчас, а вообше, поэтому мне тут скорее не понравилось то, что опять автор свалил на кэпа, хотя он все равно сделал многое, но его тоже можно понять, потому что эмма ведет себя как вредная сучка вертихвостка, если бы не хотела - давно бы ему от ворот поворот дала, а она все равно хорошо так жила с ним рука об руку...
ладно, я просто не могу согласиться с автором, хотя разумные вещи безусловно есть
да она ж всем давала еще на острове... поворот, в смысле. Да и потом, достаточно жестко с ним себя вела, вспомнить ту сцену с на полянке с Зеленой. Смерти ему не желала - это да, но каких-то чувств я не вижу. Не с ее стороны... но тут можно плавно переехать в тему, что Джен как-то выдохлась
да она ж всем давала еще на острове... поворот, в смысле. Да и потом, достаточно жестко с ним себя вела, вспомнить ту сцену с на полянке с Зеленой. Смерти ему не желала - это да, но каких-то чувств я не вижу. Не с ее стороны... но тут можно плавно переехать в тему, что Джен как-то выдохлась
Elika Z., нет, если девушка хочет, она говорит так "чувак, вообще вот совсем ничего не выйдет, даже не пытайся" и т.п., а эмма вела себя так, что это совсем не отворот, это было вызовом для него, она очень прекрасно понимала, что она ему небезразлична, крутила им, и ей определено не неприятно рядом с ним находиться, поэтому если бы хотела (если бы планировалось такое развитие) она бы сказала прямо, а говорить можно много чего.
но ок, я на этом закругляюсь, сама тоже с долей субъективности, как и автор)
Я уже про это говорила. Дети, выросшие в детских домах, либо гиперэмоциональны, либо наоборот - не демонстрируют эмоций. Это не значит, что они не чувствуют, это значит, что они как умеют, так лицом и "играют". Кто-то замыкается в себе, кто-то - тянется все сильнее. Эмма - замкнулась. Поэтому для этого персонажа нормально - отсутствие эмоций. Так что все норм Моррисон играет, харэ гнать на пустом месте))
хотя все равно нельзя сравнить реальную жизнь и сериал, там всё равно где-то преувеличего дейтсвие, где-то специально заторможенно, приходится мириться с тем, что имеем))
Elika Z., я боюсь скатиться к необоснованной защите
Tomislava, да, в этом КэпСвону значительно повезло. И все же я бы Крюка переодела.
вот тут последние фанатские фотки как раз
читать дальше
Слушай, скажи, ты от безделья не ходила к англофандому "Иксов"?