В продолжении темы затащенной на темную сторону Шоу и в качестве реверанса на подобный фик, такая вот своеобразная иллюстрация.
AU: It has been 9 long months since Root and the others last saw Shaw. Unexpectedly their former ally turns up now working for the enemy. While all others give up hope of bringing back the woman they once knew Root refuses to.
For three long weeks they had kept Sameen Shaw zip tied to a pipe down in this abandoned subway station. They had tried just about everything in an effort to deprogram her and reclaim the ally they had lost to Samaritan. But hope was beginning to fade and now Root was the only one still making a concerted effort at bringing the woman back into the fold (c)
Much darker
| воскресенье, 01 февраля 2015